Thursday, May 20, 2021

A Menagerie of Missiles

This foray into a missile making madness was induced by a tech sheet I found on Google image search whilst looking for something else after a YouTube binge.

I then realised how much fun to make they really are! Finding some of the decals can be taxing, and for some strange reason so can finding an image of a missiles rocket "hole". 

So far, I've made ten of them in total, 6 allied, 4 Russian, and have neatly packed them up for your viewing/ using pleasure.

Allied missile pack on CGT

All of these missiles can be found individually on either CGTrader, RenderHub, Sketchfab, or Cults3D (some will 3D print, but not all!)

I might just increase the Soviet pack by two to even things up, and if I can find enough source images I may just make a Chinese missile pack whilst I am at it.

As always, if you have any suggestions then please send me a message on Twitter, Discord, or leave a comment here (no one ever does!)

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