My Books

A World of Hedgehogs

My latest book 

Includes all 17 species of hedgehog around the world, digs up some mythology and folklore, and gives a brief overview of hedgehog related subjects such as taxonomy, diseases, and conservation.

Available on Amazon Kindle and Paperback
in selected book stores and the Amazon Marketplace.

   On Kindle - As a Paperback

An Introduction to Modelling with Wings 3D

This book is aimed at absolute beginners to modelling.

No experience necessary, no money to pay out for expensive software.

Open the book, do what it says, and learn to model for yourself!

It's available on Amazon for Kindle, PC App and others - Also available in paperback.


PC App & Kindle Version - Paperback
The Garden Snail; Pest or Pet?

All about the common Garden Snail (Cornu Aspersum).

From repelling them from your garden to keeping them as pets, I have tried to cover many options in concise, easy to read sections

It's available on Amazon for Kindle, PC App and others - Also available in paperback.

PC App & Kindle Version - Paperback

Modelling with Wings 3D. UV Mapping, Materials and More

Just as the title says, it's going to be all about textures and more. I will also expand on the commands from Volume I and give more tips and tricks to get your models game-ready while still keeping them low-poly

Awaiting the Wings update that promises more additions to the UV mapping system.

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